Regarding Tanah Abang Crowd, Regional Representative Council Suggestion: Visitors Cannot Go To Malls And Markets Without Rapid Test Results

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Regional Representatives Council (DPD RI), Sultan Bachtiar Najamudin, is worried about the swelling of the crowd, causing a massive crowd at the Tanah Abang Market, Central Jakarta, Saturday, May 1.

According to him, if this is not evaluated and even prevented, it is not impossible that Indonesia will experience a surge in COVID-19 cases ahead of and after Eid Al-Fitr.

Therefore, the Sultan asked the government to tighten health protocols for visitors in crowded centers such as markets and malls. If necessary, he said, related parties would prepare a place as well as a medical test kit.

"Visitors who do not have rapid results or in the form of letters and other proof of health are not allowed to enter the mall and the market environment", Sultan said via text message, Monday, May 3.

The Bengkulu legislator hopes that the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta must continue to make efforts to control at market points or other crowded centers. Moreover, according to DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, as many as 87.000 people packed Southeast Asia's largest wholesale center.

On the other hand, Sultan reminded the government not to appear inconsistent with health protocol rules in facing the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, one party prohibits Eid homecoming, but malls, markets, and recreational areas are open.

If you want to be successful in fighting the pandemic, said Sultan, then the policy must be fully and completely translated, not partial.

"Our challenge is that the central government and regional governments are able to harmonize policies for handling the COVID-19 pandemic. There should be no different perceptions and attitudes. The policies must be the same", said Sultan.

Sultan also appealed to the public to build awareness of limiting themselves in the crowd. "No matter how strong the government issues restrictions and limitations, without a collective movement of the people it will never be successful no matter what form of policies, programs and schemes it wants", said Sultan Najamudin.