Seeing The Motivation Of Volunteers To Help Handling COVID-19

JAKARTA - The government's handling of the COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia is assisted by volunteer groups of volunteers. Their motivation to join as volunteers is not on the obligation or on anyone's orders.

The head of the Task Force Volunteer Coordination Team Andre explained that one of the main reasons that volunteers agreed to when helping to reduce the spread of the corona virus was humanity.

"They see this is a challenge that must be faced together because this virus can infect everyone. So, the sense of unity is very great, both those who have time and more funds, together help to handle this," said Andre at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Thursday, April 16th.

Since March 25, the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 has opened registration for volunteers since March 25, registration can be done via the page.

To date, 23,472 volunteers have joined. A total of 4,401 volunteers who help as medical personnel, and 19,071 volunteers including non-medical volunteers.

"These volunteers are spread from Aceh Province to Papua, all of them are there. The largest number of volunteers are in West Java, reaching 5,900 people," he said.

Andre continued, for the medical volunteers who would help, initially they received training from the Health Human Resources Development and Empowerment Agency (PPSDM). Then, they will be placed in a referral hospital for handling COVID-19 and an emergency hospital for COVID-19.

"Several hospitals have been developed to be a reference (to be assisted by volunteers) in handling ODP and PDP," he explained.

Meanwhile, non-medical volunteers also receive training so that they can go into the field, to help with the handling and prevention of COVID-19 in the community. They also belong to volunteer organizations such as Baznas and KNPI.

Some of the training materials obtained by volunteers include the basics of volunteering, getting to know COVID-19 and how to prevent it, facts and data about COVID-19, and also including materials about self-motivation.

"We hope that these volunteer friends can become the frontline in deciding the spread of COVID-19 and help us to handle this well in the future," he concluded.