Attaching Terrorist Organization Label To KKB Is Considered A New Problem

JAKARTA - The government has categorized the armed criminal group (KKB) in Papua as a terrorist organization. It's just that, the decision submitted by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD actually drew criticism because it was considered to cause new problems.

The announcement of KKB Papua into a terrorist organization was made by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD, at his office, West Medan Merdeka Street on Thursday, April 29. This label is also deemed in accordance with Law Number 5 of 2018 concerning the Crime of Terrorism.

"The government considers that organizations and people in Papua who commit massive violence are categorized as terrorists," he said as quoted from the Kemenko Polhukam YouTube channel.

The former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) explained that based on the law, on the basis for labeling, those who are said to be terrorists are anyone who plans, mobilizes, and organizes terrorism.

Terrorism itself is any act that uses violence or threats that creates an atmosphere of terror or fear in a widespread manner.

"Which can cause mass casualties or cause damage or destruction to vital strategic objects to the environment, public facilities or international facilities with ideological, political and security motives," said Mahfud.

In addition, he also ensured that the government's decision was in line with the statements of a number of figures, heads of agencies, and other institutions who often stated that the KKB had committed brutal violence.

Not only that, but he also admitted that there are not a few community leaders, traditional leaders, local governments, and the DPRD in Papua who have so far visited the Kemenko Polhukam office to provide support.

"(They provide, red) support to the Government of Indonesia to take the necessary actions to deal with violence that has recently emerged in Papua," he explained.

Presumed labeling has various implications

There has also been a response from the public regarding the government's attitude. The chairman of the Setara Institute, Hendardi, considered this move as a form of frustration from the government in dealing with armed groups in Papua.

This decision can also be considered as affirming the choice of violence for handling conflict in Papua. In fact, the government should build dialogue and reduce the security approach.

"The government has in fact emphasized the choice of violence for handling Papua. Apart from being counterproductive, accelerating and prolonging the spiral of violence, this government's move is also prone to causing serious human rights violations," Hendardi said in a written statement to journalists.

He said this was also a measure to legitimize repressive measures and massive operations in Papua.

"The labeling of resistance groups in Papua will not break the cycle of violence that has been going on for a long and long time," he stressed.

The assignment of the terrorist label to KKB also raises a number of implications. First, said Hendardi, this labeling could close the space for dialogue between the central government and the people in Papua.

In fact, this step should be a way to build peace as suggested by many.

"Second, the escalation of violence which has a direct impact on the Papuan people, such as being forced to flee to seek safety, loss of economic income, children not in school, disturbed health and environmental sanitation and other things," said Hendardi.

Third, this labeling also opens up space for racism and ongoing discrimination against Papua. Not only that, but this label also made the government fail to develop this province humanely.

"Jokowi's choice to label KKB Papua as a terrorist and the subsequent impact that will occur will close the opportunity for Jokowi and the government to develop Papua humanely, as promised on various occasions," he said.

It is hoped that violence will not increase

The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) also said the steps taken by the government to label KKB as terrorists were inappropriate. Komnas HAM commissioner, Choirul Anam, said that this matter would further alienate the peaceful approach that was being pursued.

He also hopes that after this announcement, there will be no increase in violence in Papuan society.

"Hopefully it will not lead to a higher escalation of violence and further detract from the peaceful path agenda," said Choirul to reporters.

He said the government should have taken a gentle approach. This is because the military approach as it has been done so far will only produce violence.

"And (making, ed) the peace in the Land of Papua increasingly steeper," he said.

Choirul also considered that the determination of this status should begin with an evaluation first. Moreover, violence, gunfire, and the number of victims are increasing.

Furthermore, he said, Komnas HAM would continue to monitor the situation. "And we will not tire of calling for and declaring a path of peace. We hope that this implementation will not produce more victims than any other party so that violence can end," he said.

"Hopefully the determination of this status will not be detrimental to Indonesia's national strategic interests in the international world," he concluded.