It Is Certain That The ITE Law Will Not Be Revoked, The Reason Is Still Very Much Needed

JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD emphasized that the government will not revoke the Law on Information and Electronic Transactions (UU ITE) which is said to have a rubber article. In exchange, the government only made a few revisions to the law.

"The ITE Law is still very much needed to anticipate and punish, not punish, yes, to punish the digital world. It is still very much needed. Therefore, there will be no repeal of the ITE Law," Mahfud said in a press conference broadcast on the YouTube account of the Indonesian Ministry of Politics, Law and Security. Thursday, April 29th.

Mahfud said that currently the whole world is also strengthening laws governing information and electronic transactions.

"Because the digital world is getting more evil, therefore, we are the same. The ITE Law is still very much needed," he said.

Furthermore, to avoid misinterpretation or 'rubber articles', the government will continue to make minor revisions to the ITE Law.

"This revision is very small, limited to adding phrases or changing phrases," said the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court.

Such changes will exist in explanations such as, for example, said Mahfud, explanations related to the word blasphemy and similar things so as not to cause multiple interpretations.

"For that there will only be one additional article, namely article 45C," he said.

In addition, in the future, the government will also issue a Joint Decree (SKB) for three ministers and institutions signed by the Ministry of Communication and Information, the Attorney General's Office, and the Chief of Police.

"That is in the form of a guideline, if there is a term that you do not understand, if the Minister said it is a kind of pocket book," he concluded.