Michael Collins Apollo 11 Astronaut Dies, NASA: Nation Lost True Pioneer

JAKARTA - Michael Collins, a NASA astronaut who served as a command module pilot for the Apollo 11 moon mission, died at the age of 90 after battling cancer.

His family shared the news on Wednesday after he died on Collins' Facebook page.

"We regret to share that our beloved father and grandfather died today, after a fierce battle against cancer", read the statement, reported CNN, Thursday, April 29.

"He spent his last days in peace, with his family by his side. Mike has always faced the challenges of life with grace and humility, and faced this, his last challenge, in the same way. We will miss him very much. But we also know How lucky Mike is live the life he does", said the family.

"We will honor his wish that we celebrate, not mourn, that life. Join us with great love and joy in remembrance of his sharp intellect, serene purpose, and wise perspective, obtained from looking back at Earth from space and looking up at him. across the calm waters from the deck of his fishing boat. Our family asks for privacy during this difficult time", continued the family.

Michael Collins. (Wikimedia Commons / NASA)

NASA, where Collins spent seven years of his career as an astronaut, also released a statement regarding Collins' death.

"Today the nation is losing a true pioneer and lifelong supporter for exploration in astronaut Michael Collins", said NASA official administrator Steve Jurczyk in a statement.

"As an Apollo 11 command module pilot, some called him 'the loneliest man in history, while his colleagues walked on the Moon for the first time, he helped our nation reach a defining milestone. He also distinguished himself in the Gemini Program and as an Air Force pilot", said Steve.

"Michael remains a tireless promoter of space. Exploration is not an option, really, it is a necessity. What's worth noting is what kind of civilization we Earthlings were created and whether we ventured to other parts of the galaxy or not".

Michael Collins ahead of the Apollo 11 mission. (Wikimedia Commons / NASA)

"His own distinctive accomplishments, his writing about his experiences, and his leadership at the National Air and Space Museum help gain extensive exposure to the work of all the men and women who have helped our nation propel itself to greatness in aviation and in space. inspiring a new generation of scientists, engineers, test pilots, and astronauts", explained Steve.

"NASA mourns the loss of this accomplished pilot and astronaut, a friend of all who seeks to push the veil of human potential. Whether his work is behind the scenes or in full view, his legacy will always be one of the leaders taking over human potential. America's first move into the cosmos. And his soul will accompany us as we explore further horizons", he concluded.

Together with Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., Michael Collins manned the Apollo 11 space mission. Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, a former NASA astronaut and pilot of the lunar module thereof, shared his sorrow at Collins' passing.

"Dear Mike, Wherever you have been or will be, you will always have the ppi to take us deftly to new heights and into the future. We will miss you. May you rest in peace. #Apollo11", wrote Aldrin on Facebook.

Collins, who was born on October 31, 1930 in Rome, Italy, became an Air Force pilot, then became an astronaut in the Gemini program. He is the third American to do spacewalk, according to NASA. Including the Apollo 11 mission, Collins logged 266 hours in space, NASA said.