266 Police Charged With Drugs Signs An Agreement With The West Sumatra Regional Police Chief To Not Repeat Their Actions

JAKARTA - As many as 266 police officers who have been implicated in drug cases signed an agreement before the West Sumatra Regional Police Chief Inspector General Toni Harmanto not to repeat the act.

The West Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Toni Harmanto in Padang, Monday, said that he had a special schedule to gather members of the West Sumatra Regional Police. He has ever abused drugs and has conducted disciplinary hearings and a code of ethics.

According to him, this is in line with the Chief of Police's priority program on Supervision Transformation.

Throughout 2021, the West Sumatra Police has conducted urine tests on 1,841 personnel and found 13 personnel indicated positive for using drugs.

He said Since 2015 to date 286 police personnel both at the West Sumatra Regional Police and the City and Regency Polres have undergone ethical hearings.

"This means that 2.9 percent of the total 9,861 personnel are involved in drugs. And PTDH has decided as many as 33 people," he said.

this condition is certainly very apprehensive and reminded the need to increase supervision and control of Polri members.

In preventing drug abuse among Polri members, his party has made various efforts ranging from coaching by Kasatker, rehabilitation, disciplinary processes, and code of ethics and starting in early 2021. "We have started. proceed criminally against members of the National Police who have a positive urine test for consuming drugs. This is my commitment and I have emphasized it several times on various occasions, to all members to always avoid drugs, "he said.

He emphasized that there is zero-tolerance for drug users because of the tremendous negative impact on both individuals and the National Police.

This is in line with the Police Chief's emphasis that to suppress drug abuse within the National Police is carried out by implementing criminal sanctions and PTDH.

Apart from that from the aspect of guidance He still has hope that these personnel still have a better future.

So he deliberately gathered Polri members who based on a record of abusing drugs from 2015 to 2021 and invited their respective wives with the intention of making a commitment not to use these illicit goods.

The implementation was carried out directly at Polda and via video conference for those at the Polres.

The signing was witnessed directly by the West Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Pol Toni Harmanto and the main official of the West Sumatra Regional Police in the General Hoegeng room, floor IV of the West Sumatra Regional Police Headquarters on Monday.

The signing of the agreement is also attended by the family of the member who has had problems, both parents, wife, and children.