Central Lombok Street Information Tax Corruption Case, Prosecutor's Office Collaborates With Forensic Experts

The Central Lombok District Attorney (Kejari) has asked for a review by forensic criminal law experts to strengthen the analysis of evidence in the alleged corruption case of street lighting tax (PPJ).
Central Lombok Kejari Head Nurintan MNO Sirait said that forensic criminal law experts had responded to requests from investigators.
"So, now we are just waiting for the results of the study," said Nurintan
In the request, investigators included a booster document on the existence of criminal allegations that were revealed from a series of investigations.
The submission of related documents, he explained, was based on an expert's request from the results of the online meeting last week.
To strengthen criminal evidence, investigators also collaborated with audit experts from the NTB Representative Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).
Nurintan ensured that the calculation of losses had not yet been carried out, but still had to wait for the implementation of the joint exposure agenda.
"Expose with BPKP is scheduled after the Eid holiday, April," he said.
Dalam rangkaian penyidikan ini, Nurintan turut menyampaikan bahwa penyidik masih melakukan pemeriksaan saksi dari bappenda, bagian hukum pemda. Ada juga dari dinas perhubungan dan badan keuangan dan aset daerah.
"There are also from PLN Mataram and one partner company PLN. However, the company has not come to fulfill the summons," he said.
The examination of witnesses and coordination with BPKP are part of strengthening evidence to investigate allegations of corruption in late tax payments for the period 2019 to 2023.