Judika Calls Payment To Ahmad Dhani When Performing Dewa 19 Song Not Direct License

JAKARTA - Ahmad Dhani as the supervisor of the All-Indonesian Composter Association (AKSI) is the most aggressively talking about direct license in terms of performing rights. In January 2024 through Instagram uploads, the Dewa 19 frontman even showed proof of royalty payments from Judika.

At that time, Judika only talked that she was asked to perform Ahmad Dhani's song by the event organizers, he also asked the organizers to take care of the royalty issue to Ahmad Dhani.

But for now, after joining the Indonesian Voice Vibration (VISION) Judika finally revealed what was behind the direct license.

This, said Judika, stems from his participation as the vocalist of the Mahadewa formed by Dhani. After deciding to refocus on his solo career, he appeared several times to perform the song Dewa created by Dhani.

"As soon as I separated (with Mahadewa), I soloized myself with my album. My songs were mostly mellows, I needed upbeat songs and I used to perform Separah Breath," said Judika at a VISI press conference at SCBD, South Jakarta, Wednesday, March 19.

At one time when appearing outside the city, Judika, who performed a song by Ahmad Dhani, admitted that she received information that she was asked to pay some money.

"Dri, Mas Dhani's management told my management, 'Jud, sing the song Half Breath, huh? Now pay for it.' Because of that, yes (I asked), 'Mas, how much?'. At that time it was called if I'm not mistaken 5 million, 'Okay tomorrow I will pay.' In short, it's like that,' he said.

"I understand, at that time Mas Dhani did direct license, and I'm okay, I mean okay because I think he asked for it, that's okay, he asked for it, I wanted to fulfill it. But when I wanted it to be fulfilled (again), he said 'No need, next".

Judika admitted that at that time she did not really understand the rules for royalties performing rights. Because of friendship, he chose to obey Dhani's wishes. But in the end, he chose not to perform Dewa's songs anymore.

But then, Judika got an offer to appear at a company event. He was asked to sing two songs from Dewa.

"And at that time there was Garuda's birthday, the theme might match Dewa's song, so they asked me to bring two Dewa songs, and I said, 'From Garuda, please call Mas Dhani directly. I don't want any business that will be bad. Just finish it, later when it's done, send it to me (the proof). ) ' Finally, they sent it with proof of payment, if I'm not mistaken 15 million, for two or three choices of songs. Well, the next day I will sing the song, "said Judika.

However, Judika stated that this method does not mean that she agrees with the application of direct license for performing rights.

"So, it's actually not my way of agreeing to that, but my way of avoiding conflict, let alone friends," he concluded.