BIN: Kabinda Papua Brigadier General Putu Danny Will Be Given A Promotion And Buried At TMP Kalibata

JAKARTA - Head of Papua Regional Intelligence Agency (Kabinda) Brig. Gen. I Gusti Putu Danny Karya Nugraha was shot dead by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Beoga, Puncak Regency, Papua, Sunday, April 25.

The plan is for the body of National Army Brigadier General I Gusti Putu Danny, who has long served at Kopassus, to be evacuated from Beoga to Timika, Papua on Monday, April 26, to be flown to Jakarta.

Deputy VII of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Wawan H. Purwanto in his statement said that the plan was for the bodies to be buried in Jakarta and awarded a promotion to one level higher (posthumous).

"The body will be buried in the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery (TMP) and posthumously promoted to Major General," he explained in a written statement, Monday, April 26.

Further explained by him, Brigadier General I Gusti Putu Danny Karya Nugraha is known as a warm and accomplished figure. The deceased was known to have had a brilliant career in his union and was a hard worker. During his tenure, the deceased was also close to the community. According to him, being killed in the field of duty is the highest pride of intelligence personnel.

"The fall of Kabinda Papua is a tangible form of BIN's sacrifice in defending the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. This incident has also become a symbol of BIN's dedication in implementing the law, namely as the front line in the national security system," he explained.

"This incident will not dampen the mental and morale of intelligence personnel and other security forces in eradicating all national threats," said Wawan.