Police Deploy Intelligence To Supervise Hospitals-Laboratories To Prevent Fake Negative Letters Of COVID-19

JAKARTA - The National Police will deploy intelligence members to oversee hospitals and laboratories. The goal is to prevent the naughty practice of buying and selling negative COVID-19 letters.

"Our intelligence is ready to monitor (hospitals and labs)," said Head of Public Relations of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono in his statement, Friday, April 23.

The deployment of intelligence members is also a follow-up to the government policy which prohibits people from going home.

The National Police has also implemented a insulation scheme. This tightening was carried out from April 22 to May 5, 2021 and the period May 18 to May 24, 2021.

In addition, Argo hopes that all parties will follow all the existing rules. Thus, preventing transmission.

"Hopefully there will be no (COVID-19 letter game)," said Argo.

The government through the COVID-19 Handling Task Force has tightened travel requirements before and after the 2021 homecoming ban.

Travel requirements are tightened from D-14 (22 April-5 May) before the homecoming ban and H + 7 after the homecoming ban (18-24 May). Meanwhile, the homecoming prohibition applies from 6-17 May.

In general, the tightening of requirements before and after going home changes the time limit for using a negative COVID-19 test result before traveling.

Previously, the use of the RT-PCR test results and the antigen rapid test was valid for a maximum of 3x24 hours. For pre and post-homecoming, it is only valid for a maximum of 1x24 hours. Then, the use of GeNose takes effect just before departure.

For private land transportation travelers, they are advised to carry out the RT-PCR test or rapid antigen test, the samples of which are taken a maximum of 1x24 hours before departure. You can also test the GeNose C19 in the rest area as a requirement to continue your trip. Then a random test will be carried out if the regional COVID-19 Task Force is needed.

Children under 5 years of age are not required to take a COVID-19 test as a condition of travel. If the test results are negative but the traveler has symptoms, they may not continue their journey and are required to return to the RT-PCR test and self-isolation.