Doni Monardo Inaugurates The COVID-19 Hospital In Aceh

BANDA ACEH - Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Doni Monardo inaugurated the use of the COVID-19 Hospital at the Zainal Abidin Regional General Hospital (RSUDZA) Banda Aceh.

"I hope that the hospital that has been built is not used. This means that we don't let people's positive cases increase, ”he said as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, April 20.

He made this statement on the sidelines of inaugurating the COVID-19 Hospital at RSUDZA. Doni explained that the national active cases are in good condition, namely 6.5 percent, the lowest during the year when the COVID-19 pandemic has hit the world.

"This achievement is a form of cooperation from all parties and I invite all stakeholders not to be careless and to continue working to prevent the spread of COVID-19," he continued.

Doni also expressed his appreciation for the construction of the COVID-19 RSUDZA Hospital which was completed within 46 calendar days by the Ministry of PUPR.

His party continues to make various preventive efforts with various parties so that the cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia in general and Aceh in particular have dropped dramatically.

Meanwhile, Aceh Governor Nova Iriansyah expressed his gratitude for the attention of the central government for handling COVID-19 in Indonesia's westernmost province.