Medan Is The Worst City In 2019, Mayor Bobby Nasution Made This Breakthrough

JAKARTA - The Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, revealed the title of Medan as the best city in 2019. Bobby is determined to change this title by building integrated waste management.

Bobby Nasution said that the TPA in Medan still uses an open dumping system. This has become one of the biggest judging factors that caused Medan to become the worst city in 2019.

Bobby Nasution turned it into a sanitary landfill. Sanitary landfill is a system for managing or destroying waste by removing and piling up garbage in a sunken location, compacting it, and then piling it up with soil.

In addition, Pemko Medan is working on a regional TPA as well as collaborating directly with the Regent of Deli Serdang.

"So that currently there is a land area of 16.3 hectares in the village of Sumbul Sinembah Tanjung Mulia Hilir Deli Serdang to be used as a regional TPA," he said.

When becoming a resource person at IPDN on the theme of implementing regional development, Bobby Nasution explained the importance of Pemko Medan in absorbing the aspirations of the community.

“Medan city has 2.5 million inhabitants and consists of 21 sub-districts, 151 urban villages and 2001 neighborhoods. So, we absorb people's input and aspirations to find out what they want. So, with the amount of the existing APBD, we can carry out work and program realization as expected by the community, "he said.

There are five flagship programs that are targeted to be implemented. In the health sector, it is prioritized to impose restrictions on micro community activities (PPKM). A COVID-19 data application to the environmental level was also made to find out how many residents were exposed to COVID-19 so that an environmental lockdown could be established.

In the infrastructure sector, said Bobby Nasution, Pemko Medan will improve the quality of infrastructure. Medan City has 3,279.5 km of roads and the quality should be improved for two years.

"We haven't started yet, because Medan is currently entering the rainy season. So, we are afraid to start because the focus of the work we are doing is on repair and improvement of road quality, "explained Bobby Nasution.

In addition, Bobby Nasution also conveyed his idea to unite all ethnic groups in the city of Medan through his culinary delights by carrying out The Kitchen of Asia, each ethnicity will highlight the characteristics of their respective regional food.