Take Care Of Mental Health, Kredivo Focuses On Education About Paylater Risks And Benefits

JAKARTA - Playing a role as a solution financial service with easy, fast, and affordable access, the trend of buying is now paying later or Paylater in Indonesia experiencing rapid growth.
Data from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) shows that Paylater financing by finance companies increased by 63.89 percent in October 2024 (YoY).
However, in the midst of the benefits presented by Paylater, Disya Arinda as a Clinical Psychologist emphasized the importance for the whole community to maintain their mental health, both before and after using Paylater.
"Because, if the motivation is triggered by FOMO or YOLO, the risk of anxiety and stress will also increase," said Disya.
To ensure that the Kredivo Paylater service can have an optimal impact on users, Kredivo is committed to not only providing easy credit access, but also ensuring users understand the risks and benefits.
"Through education, we want to build a healthy financial management mindset for the younger generation, so they can use Paylater wisely," said Inna Andamari, SVP Marketing & Communications Kredivo.
Inna hopes that the company's initiatives such as the Generation Djempolan program and the #AndaiAndauPadai campaign can also support the community in achieving financial freedom through financial management balance with mental health.
Inna also added that Kredivo's commitment to realizing a healthy Paylater service can be seen from the Kredivo Non Performing Loan (NPL) level, which is still consistently below the maximum limit set by the OJK.
This achievement is supported by strong risk management and the application of the principle of responsibility lending, which can predict precisely one's creditworthiness, including the potential for default.