Komdigi Targets Children's Friendly Internet Rules In One Month

JAKARTA - As Minister of Communication and Digital Affairs, one of Meutya Hafid's 100-day programs is to create child-friendly internet.

In realizing this mission, Meutya is reviewing the regulations discussed by the Director General of Digital Space Supervision, Ministry of Komdigi, Alexander Sabar, which will later be finalized.

"The rules regarding child protection on the internet or child-friendly, that's also ready, I'm reading, for the finalization. Finally, this will be in Mr. Alex," said Meutya after the inauguration ceremony of the Komdigi High Officer Monday, January 13 in Jakarta.

Meutya also gave a deadline to the Director General of Digital Space Supervision for one month to issue the regulation.

"So Mr. Alex, I will assign the Ministerial Regulation within one month. We can issue it," added Meutya.

When he was first appointed as Minister of Communication and Digi, Meutya said that this child-friendly internet mission would protect all children in Indonesia from the dangers of human trafficking, child pornography, and violence against children.

In addition, Komdigi also invited religious leaders and mothers to create a safe internet for children in Indonesia.

This rule is a real step by the Indonesian government to create a digital space that is safe and clean from illegal content, after previously Australia had implemented a social media age restriction policy for children under the age of 16.