Getting To Know Atrium Fibrilation Diseases And Handling With PFA Technology
JAKARTA - Heart disease is one of the main causes of death in Indonesia. In addition tote heart disease, heart rhythm disorders (arithmia) are also at high risk of creating death.
The most common Aritmia found in Indonesian society is atrium fibrillation (FA). The data shows that the number of people with atrial fibrillation in Indonesia reaches more than three million people, with prevalence increasing with age.
Atrium fibrillation is a condition when the heart beats very fast and irregularly. Normally the heart will pulse about 60-100 times per minute while relaxing, but in people with atrium fibrillation, the heart can pulse more than 400 times per minute.
This condition increases the risk of blood clots and heart failure. Bleeding of blood formed can result in a stroke, and atrial fibrillation patients have a 4 to 5 times risk of stroke.
Dr. dr. Dicky Armein Hanafy, S.JP(K), an arithmetic expert at Heartology Cardiovascular Hospital, said that arrhythmias can occur due to various factors. Starting from heart structure disorders, high blood pressure, thyroid disorders, to certain drug side effects.
People with arrhythmias will experience various symptoms, which should be checked immediately. Early detection of this disease will provide a higher chance of handling it.
The arithmetic symptoms that are often complained about include palpitations, dizziness, chest pain, or fatigue easily. However, what is more important is how early detection is carried out," said Doctor Dicky during a media meeting, on Wednesday, January 8, 2025.
"Examinations such as electrocardiograms (EKG) or Holter's heart monitor can help diagnose arrhythmias from the start so that treatment can be more effective," he added.
There are several ways to handle atrium fibrillation, including drug therapy, risk factor control, and ablation catheter. One of the latest technologies to deal with atrium fibrillation is Pulsed Field Ablation (PFA) which is introduced in Indonesia at Heartology Cardiovascular Hospital.
Director of Heartology Cardiovascular Hospital, Dr. dr. Faris Basamalah, Sp.JP(K), said that the presence of PFA in Heartology is a big step towards cardiology to bring heart health services in Indonesia to international standards. This technology has advantages over other ablation technologies, with a higher level of safety, the value of equal treatment efficacy for persistent and non-persistent fiberation atrial patients.
"As a hospital that focuses on cardiovascular management, we always prioritize innovation in order to place patient comfort and safety as a top priority," said Doctor Faris.
PFA is one of the categories of non-thermal ablation catheter (minimally invasive non-thermal), which works through an electro-copation process. This is a short electric wave delivery that opens the pores of the cell membrane, so that the targeted tissue can be destroyed safely without affecting other networks.
The way PFA works using the electric wave is different from thermal ablation which uses radio energy frequency, namely heat creates lesion and cold energy to freeze the network. With this selective therapeutic property, ablation with PFA will take place more quickly, more effectively, and more safely for patients.