Today's Memory, January 10, 2018: Minister Of Health Affirms The Khasiat Of Camel Water Can't Be Proven

JAKARTA Memories of today, seven years ago, January 10, 2018, Minister of Health (Menkes), Nila Farid Moeloek emphasized that the benefits of camel urine cannot be proven. Nila revealed that camel urine cannot also directly drink because there are bacteria in it.

Previously, the social media world was busy with camel urine polemics. The estuary is the Chair of the National Movement to Guard Fatwa (GNPF) of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Bachtiar Nasir revealed that camel urine has many benefits. Urine can be a medicine for various diseases.

The use of camel urine as an alternative medicine in Saudi Arabia is not new. Fans are hoarding until it becomes a popular tourist action. Camel kacing water is believed to be effective in treating various diseases, including cancer. However, its use cannot be immediately drank.

Urine must be combined with camel milk. Local residents think that those who come to Saudi Arabia are not optimal if they have not tried to drink camel urine. The topic of camel urine went viral in Indonesia thanks to the chairman of GNPF MUI, Bachtiar Nasir.

The famous cleric uploaded a momentum for him to taste camel urine combined with Camel milk on Instagram @bachtiarnsir social media. He emphasized that camel urine has many benefits. Camel urine can treat a variety of diseases, especially cancer.

He emphasized that there are hadiths that say halal camel urine is drunk. He also recommends that camel urine and milk be drunk when it hurts. Bachtiar also invites those who want to go umrah to come and taste the benefits of urine and camel milk.

This condition provoked criticism. Many have revealed that camel urine has no efficacy. There is no evidence that camel urine treats a variety of diseases. There are also those who say coming to Saudi Arabia to taste camel urine is a futile act. People prefer to take advantage ofzam-zam water rather than camel urine.

"Prove it. So it's not just healing from cancer cells but also nourishing cells that are not infected. Containing medicinal substances there. If you say it's halal, it's halal in terms of treatment," Bachtiar Nasir said as quoted on the CNN Indonesia page, January 5, 2018.

Debates related to the urine properties of the camel appear everywhere. Pros and cons groups appeared. Each has its arguments. The crowd reached the vicinity of the Minister of Health, Nila Farid Moeloek on January 10, 2018.

Nila gave her views on camel urine. He said that people should be careful with camel urine because their properties could not be proven. The camel's Urine is considered full of risk. Moreover, if you drink it directly.

Nila also appealed to the public to be careful with behaviors outside the habit of drinking camel urine. Not all content on social media is immediately adopted and becomes a lifestyle.

"Maybe we can, but we really need to examine what is in this urine. Maybe not everything can be taken, maybe there are some substances that can be used for what. But if you drink it right away, I don't think so, in it there are bacteria. I think scientifically it needs to be investigated first, "said Nila after the Initial Press Meeting for the 2017 RI Health Program Achievement at the Ministry of Health Office, quoted by the Ministry of Health website, January 10, 2018.