Police Arrest 2 Suspected Perpetrators Of Child Murder In Bekasi, Allegedly Parents Of Victims

The police arrested two suspected perpetrators of the murder of a boy whose body was found in a shophouse in the Jatibaru area, Setiadarma, South Tambun, Bekasi Regency. The two perpetrators are strongly suspected of being the parents of the victim.

"The team has arrested two people who are suspected of being the perpetrators," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi to reporters, Thursday, January 9.

However, it has not been conveyed about the identities of the two alleged perpetrators. The reason is that they are still undergoing intensive examination. So far, it has only been conveyed about the two alleged perpetrators of men and women.

"That's right, what was eaten was a man who was a woman. Currently investigators are investigating the people who were arrested," he said.

Mengenai dugaan kedua diduga pelaku merupakan tuawan dari anak tersebut, Ade juga enggan menyampaikan. Alasannya sama, masih pemeriksaan.

"Later in detail, ask for time. What is clear has been revealed," said Ade.

It is known that an unidentified boy who is estimated to be 4 years old was found dead on Monday, January 6. When found wrapped in a sarong. In addition, a scar was found all over his body. In fact, there are traces of cigarette burns.