Many Foods Left Behind, Students In Makassar Get Free Nutrition Food Gifts
MAKASSAR - The Nutrition Fulfillment Service Unit (SPPG) Team of the Panakkukang 1 National Nutrition Agency (BGN) promised gifts for students if they succeeded in eating food in the Free Nutrition Food (MBG) program following the large amount of food left after students ate the nutritious food.
"Today we took the initiative so that the rest of the food is no longer available, we go to school to motivate by inviting students to enjoy eating sambal and we give gifts," said BGN Panakukkang 1 Geralz Geerhan SPP at SD Inpres IV Tamamaung, Makassar, South Sulawesi as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 8.
He revealed that on the second day of the MGB program, which was realized by President and Vice President Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, his party tried to encourage children to eat their food.
Because on the first day of the MBG program at several points, at the Ompren or food containers provided when they want to clean, there is still a lot of food left and not spent by elementary school students or kindergarten children after eating.
Therefore, to anticipate the presence of food residue, students are given gifts in the form of stationery for them to successfully eat food. In this way, it is hoped that children can eat the food provided.
His party even received information for students who managed to finish food without any remaining for a full month in the MBG program, promised to get a Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) scholarship from a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives, La Tinro La Tunrung.
"Incidentally, we were also contacted by one of the members of the DPR RI council, if there are students the food is spent without any remaining for one month and the best will be given a PIP scholarship prize," said Geralz.
One of the students of SD Inpres IV Tamamaung Makassar, Muhammad Dirga Putra, said that the gift from the BGN SPPG team for students who managed to finish the food first.
"I was second place in the food. The food was rice, vegetables, chicken, eggs, milk, bananas. The food was delicious. I was given a pencil box, pen and book," he said.