Ethics Session Of DWP Extortion Case, National Police Chief: Police Clean-Clean Committee

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo stated that the action against members of Polda Metro Jaya who were involved in extortion against Djakarta Warehouse Project (DWP) spectators was a form of commitment from the Bhayangkara Corps.

So far, dozens of police have been tried through the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP). They have been sentenced to demotion to dismissal or dishonorable dismissal (PTDH).

"I think that is part of our commitment and our colleagues have seen that we are always implementing rewards and punishments internally," Sigit told reporters, Wednesday, January 8.

The National Police under his leadership will apply well to all his staff. All members who are guilty will be sanctioned otherwise.

"For members who excel, we will give awards. For violations, I think we have never hesitateed to take firm action and that is our commitment even with various views," he explained.

In fact, the KKEP trial, which is currently underway, is called Sigit as the National Police's commitment to clean up from individuals who caused the poor image of the Bhayangkara Corps.

"However, it is our commitment to continue to clean up related to events or existing violations, so we hope that the Police will get better," said Sigit.

So far, 11 members of the National Police have been tried in this case. They are Kombes Donald Parlaungan Simanjuntak, AKP Yudhy Triananta Syaeful, and AKBP Malvino Edward Yusticia, all of whom were sentenced to dishonorable dismissal or dismissal (PTDH).

In addition, Kompol Dzul Fadlan, Iptu SM, and S received demotion sanctions for 8 years. Meanwhile, Brigadier FRS, Aiptu Armadi Juli Marasi Gultom, Bripka Wahyu Tri Haryanto, Brigadier Dwi Wicaksono, and Bripka Ready Pratama received 5 years of demotion.

The sanctions were imposed after they were proven to be involved in extortion against spectators of the 2024 DWP, whose victims included Malaysian and Indonesian citizens. Based on data from the National Police Propam, the extortion results reached Rp. 2.5 billion.