The Right Time To Use Skincare Contains Niacinamide
JAKARTA - Niacinamide is one of the important ingredients in daily skincare. Niacinamide, also known as nicotinamide, is a form of vitamin B3 that dissolves in water.
Niacinamide has many benefits for the body, especially on the skin. Niacinamide has strong anti-inflammatory properties and can increase overall texture, moisture, and skin function.
Quoting from Glamour, on Tuesday, February 7, 2025, niacinamide can deal with sensitive skin and redness. These materials can also control excess oil, strengthen the coating layer of the skin, prevent premature aging, and brighten the skin.
The benefits of niacimande can be obtained optimally by the skin if the time of use is right. The use of skincare with niacinamide can be in the morning and/or at night.
However, because niacinamide is an antioxidant and can help control oil and treat acne, using skin care niacinamide is perfect in the morning. However, you can still use it again at night for maximum results.
When using skin care niacinamide, it is recommended to coat it with a moisturizer and serum. This will provide an old hydration effect so that niacinamide is well absorbed into the skin.
If you use niacinamide in the morning, make sure not to coat it with other skincare made from vitamin C. The reason is, the formula between the two tends to make each other unstable when combined.