Deputy Speaker Of The House Of Representatives Encourages BPOM To Conduct Free Nutrition Periodic Examination
JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives Cucun Ahmad Syamsurijal welcomed the implementation of the free nutritious food program (MBG) which had started yesterday. He encouraged the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) to also carry out periodic checks on the MBG program.
"The involvement of BPOM is important to ensure that the implementation of MBG is in accordance with health standards, including so that food is ensured to be free from harmful substances. And also to ensure sanitation, hygiene, processing methods, and distribution of food," Cucun told reporters, Tuesday, January 7.
Cucun also supports the steps of the National Nutrition Agency (BGN) which has its own system to keep food hygienic to ensure food hygiene.
It is known, each MBG kitchen is managed by a Head of SPPG who is appointed directly by the National Nutrition Agency. The Head of SPPG is also assisted by one nutritionist and accountant for nutrition supervision and food distribution.
For the MBG program, the government has set the amount of the package value of Rp. 10,000 per serving. Cucun hopes that all of the budget will be used for the children's food menu at school.
"This value of Rp. 10,000 must really be used for the portion of our children's food. There should be no misuse of the budget in the field," said Cucun.
The West Java electoral district PKB legislator believes that the Rp10 thousand / export budget can be sufficient for one portion of the nutritious food menu. Although the milk menu does not always exist every day, according to him, protein can be replaced with other foodstuffs.
"The government can optimize local products so that the MBG program meets nutritional standards. So it is adjusted to nutritious food typical of each region so that it can be used to make a balanced and varied menu," said Cucun.
For example, continued Cucun, carbohydrates can be used with rice, processed corn, or bihun from white rice. While protein can be made from fish, then the next day chicken, eggs, or other animal protein that can meet the child's nutrition but still enter the budget.
"We believe that the administration of Mr. Prabowo Subianto will ensure that every child has access to proper nutritious food," he added.
The chairman of the DPR, coordinator of Korkesra, said that the MBG program is expected to reduce stunting which is still high in Indonesia. Moreover, said Cucun, President Prabowo has a vision of developing superior human resources.
"The stunting rate in Indonesia is still far from the target of a decrease of 14 percent by 2024. So there must be more intervention to reduce the stunting rate in the country, one of which can be done through fulfilling nutritious intake for our children, such as through this MBG program," he explained.
Cucun hopes that the implementation of President Prabowo Subianto's flagship program can be right on target and distributed properly. Cucun also hopes that the strict standard operating procedure (SOP) implemented by SPPG can run consistently.
"We hope that the purpose of this program to improve the quality of human resources for Indonesia Gold 2045 can be achieved," said Cucun.
"So that the program implementation standards that have been set by the government can be well maintained and the service and quality of food for children can also be guaranteed," he concluded.
As is known, the MBG program was officially implemented as of Monday, January 6. There are at least 26 provinces and 190 Nutrition Fulfillment Service Units (SPPG) or kitchen levels operating in the MBG program trial.