Stepfather Molested His 14-year-old Daughter In Central Lombok, NTB
JAKARTA - The police are handling a case of sexual abuse of a stepfather with the initials HN against a 14-year-old girl who is still in grade 6 elementary school (SD).
Head of the Public Relations Section of the Central Lombok Police, Iptu Lalu Brata Kusnadi, said the handling of the case was based on a report from the victim's family.
"It's true. So, last Monday (January 6) there were reports related to immoral acts against stepchildren," said Lalu Brata by telephone, Tuesday, January 7, confiscated by Antara.
The follow-up to the report, he said, was that the police from the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) of the Central Lombok Police Satreskrim conducted an examination of HN today.
"Sekarang terduga pelaku sedang dilakukan pemeriksaan dan mengamankan diri di Polres," ujarnya.
Brata said that his party had received information from the victim that he admitted that his stepfather had intercourse with him more than once from July to December 2024.
"Almost every week the alleged perpetrator invites the victim to have intercourse," he said.
Brata said this immoral act was revealed after the alleged perpetrator missubscribed a message via cell phone to the victim's older brother. In the message, the alleged perpetrator invites the victim to commit immorality.
"So, from there he uncovered it. The contents of this message the perpetrator asked the victim to do it again," said Brata.
The immoral act was carried out by the alleged perpetrator at his house. The victim herself lives with her biological father, who is not far from her stepfather's house.
"So, the victim who lives with his biological father often plays at his stepfather's house who lives with his biological mother," he said.