List Of Police Extorting DWP 2024 Spectators, 3 Fired And 6 Others Demoted
JAKARTA - The National Police Headquarters has held an ethics trial against nine police officers involved in extorting the 2024 Djakarta Warehouse Project (DWP) audience. A total of three policemen were dishonorably dismissed or PTDH.
"The National Police Divpropam has held a professional ethics trial related to the 2024 DWP case," said Head of the Public Information Section (Kabag Penum) of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Kombes Erdi A Chaniago in his statement Tuesday, January 7.
Erdi detailed that three of the nine policemen who underwent the trial were exposed to PTDH and six others were subject to demotion or demotion and positions with various periods.
The three police officers affected by PTDH were former Director of Drugs at Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Donald Parlaungan Simanjuntak, AKBP Malvino Edward Yusticia and AKP Yudhy Triananta Syaeful.
Meanwhile, the six policemen who received demotion due to the DWP case, namely Aiptu Armadi July Marasi Gultom (5 years), Bripka Wahyu Tri Haryanto (5 years), Iptu Sehatma Manik (5 years), Kompol Dzul Fadlan (8 years), Iptu Syaruddin (8 years) and Brigadier Fahrudun Rizki Sucipto (8 years).
"The National Police through the Divpropam Polri has taken firm action against suspected violators by holding an ethics trial for the DWP case which has been going on for several days," he added.