Deputy Minister Of Education And Culture And Deputy Mayor Of South Tangerang Close The UMJ Chancellor's Cup
TANGSEL - Muhammadiyah University Jakarta (UMJ) officially closed the Rector IV Cup for the SMA and SMK levels throughout Jabodetabek on Monday, January 6. The competition which lasted over the past few weeks managed to create a atmosphere full of enthusiasm, healthy competition, and high sportsmanship among participants.
This high school level event is a routine agenda for UMJ and PPMB (New Student Promotion and Acceptance) as a forum for talent and promotion for prospective new students.
The closing ceremony which took place at the UMJ Football Field was attended by the Deputy Minister of Basic and Medium Education Prof. Atip Latipulhayat, Deputy Mayor of South Tangerang Pilar Saga Ichsan, Chancellor of UMJ, Prof. Dr. Ma'mun Murod, Deputy Chancellor IV Dr. Septa Candra as well as the ranks of the deans, teachers or school principals from 34 school participants, and hundreds of supporters who packed the stadium stands.
The closing ended with the handover of a rotating trophy and awards to the winners.
In his remarks, the Deputy Minister of Elementary and Secondary Education, Atip Latipulhayat, expressed his appreciation for the UMJ for the implementation of the Grand Design of sports education for students.
"I appreciate UMJ for helping to carry out the grand design of Indonesian sports education so that sports lessons must produce achievements. Sports itself is a character formation. Hopefully, the participants who participate in this UMJ event in the future can represent Indonesia for the world", said Atip.
On the other hand, the Deputy Mayor of South Tangerang Pilar Saga Ichsan also gave his appreciation for the difference between UMJ and other campuses.
"The South Tangerang City Council will always support the event and facilities of the UMJ Chancellor's Cup. UMJ can be an example for other campuses for the advancement of football." he said.
On the same occasion, UMJ Chancellor Ma'mun Murod appreciated all participants who had competed by upholding sportsmanship.
The UMJ Chancellor Cup is a form of our commitment to supporting the development of the potential of the younger generation, especially in the field of sports. We are proud to see the extraordinary spirit shown by the players on the field," he said.
Meanwhile, Djoni Gunanto, Chairman of the UPT Promotion and New Student Admissions UMJ stated that this activity is a form of support for high school students in the interest of football talent as well as university promotions.
After going through a fierce final match, the SMA 28 soccer team in Tangerang Regency managed to come out as the winner of the 2025 UMJ Chancellor Cup. They beat SMA 3 Tangerang Regency with a 2-2 draw and a penalty in a dramatic match that took place on Monday afternoon.
Meanwhile, SMA 3 Tangerang Regency, which occupies the runner-up position, also received high appreciation for their impressive performance during the tournament.
The champions not only received trophies, but also scholarships worth 10 million rupiah for the first place winner, 7.5 million rupiah for the second place winner, 5 million rupiah for the third place and other attractive prizes.