Kukar Regent Encourages Religious Leaders To Vote In Environmental Campaigns In East Kalimantan

JAKARTA - The Regent of Kutai Kartanegara (Kukar) in East Kalimantan (Kaltim) Edi Damansyah stated that the voice of religious leaders is needed in a campaign to save the environment or prevent climate damage.

According to him, religious leaders have a role because they have followers and their voices are heard.

"Currently, the world is faced with global challenges in the form of natural damage that results in climate change, ecological disasters that have the potential to create various social impacts, including the threat of poverty," said Edi in Tenggarong, East Kalimantan, Sunday, January 5, as reported by Antara.

Another impact is the threat of food shortages, so this must be taken seriously by all circles, including by religiousists, while Indonesia as a country with a religious society, the voice of leaders and religious leaders is highly anticipated.

Previously, when reading the remarks of the Minister of Religion Nasaruddin Umar in commemoration of the Charity Day in Kukar on Friday, two days ago, he said that the Ministry of Religion continued to strengthen its role in the campaign to harmonize life in harmony with the environment, nature and culture, in line with the Asta Cita President of the Republic of Indonesia.

The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP) Forum in 2023 in Abu Dhabi and 29th COP in 2024 in Azerbaijan, specifically opened the Iman Pavilion as a platform with interfaith leaders to voice the importance of preserving nature from a religious perspective.

In addition, the Istiglal Declaration signed by the Leaders of the Catholic Church Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of the Jakarta Istiglal Mosque on September 5, 2024, also emphasized the importance of unity, tolerance, humanity, and environmental change management.

Geopolitically, the global crisis has also occurred due to a prolonged conflict, so many countries miss harmony and peace.

The eyes of the world are focused on Indonesia, which is projected to become the qibla of world harmony. This is also a challenge from the Ministry of Religion to continue to care for and increase tolerance, because Indonesia has valueless assets, namely religious harmony.

"One of the most important tasks of the Ministry of Religion, in addition to guidance on religious life and religious facilities, is to improve the quality of religious and religious education on all paths, levels, and types of education," said the minister in a speech read by Edi.

Education is an emphasis because education is the foundation of the nation's future which must be facilitated with a quality and affordable education system.

The education process will produce superior human resources in character, mastery of science, technology, literacy, and have social concern. Children and students who are healthy, intelligent, and have noble character are the nation's strength in navigating global regulations.