Supervision In Central Jakarta Tightened To Prevent Brawl

JAKARTA - The Central Jakarta City Government, related parties (stakeholders), has increased supervision around schools and public places to prevent student brawls during school holidays.

"We together with schools, sub-districts and the police are increasing surveillance in the surrounding schools and public places that are often the location of brawls during school holidays," said Head of the Central Jakarta Regional 2 Education Sub-dept., Bambang Eko Prabowo, quoting Antara.

This is in response to a brawl between two groups of teenagers on Jalan G, Karang Anyar, Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta, in the New Year 2025.

The Central Jakarta City Government through Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) also continues to disseminate and educate parents and students about the dangers of brawls and the importance of maintaining peace among teenagers.

In addition, his party continues to communicate between schools and the police, Military Rayon Command (Koramil), sub-district and sub-district ranks and parents to anticipate brawls.

"Through schools, school principals (kepsek) and teachers hold regular meetings with parents to discuss student developments and brawl prevention measures," said Bambang.

The Education Sub-Department (Sudin) before the school holidays has appealed to students to take advantage of their vacation time with positive activities such as sports or going to tourist attractions.

Bambang also advised teachers to always pay sufficient attention and supervision to students, especially outside school hours.

Bambang assessed the importance of good communication with students and provided an understanding of values or positive activities so that students can understand the importance of maintaining harmonious relationships.

"Before the holidays, schools appealed to children to participate in positive and useful activities during holidays, for example, language courses, sports activities, educational tours, Koraning and others," he said.

Previously, the police arrested 12 brawlers on Jalan G, Karang Anyar, Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta, on New Year's Eve 2025.

Kapolsek Sawah Besar Kompol Dhanar Dhono Vernandhie said that apart from making arrests, members also confiscated a number of sharp weapons (sajam) and 3 grams of marijuana.

"We have arrested 12 of them with sharp weapons and 3 kilograms of marijuana," said Dhanar at the Sawah Besar Police Office, Central Jakarta, Friday (3/1).