Golkar Soal Presidential Threshold Dihapus: Jangan Sampai Muncul Figur-figur Yang Hanya Cari Popularitas

Golkar politician Maman Abdurahman said the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) which revoked the 20 percent Presidential Threshold (PT) rule must be respected as a legal product, but it is necessary to review it so as not to hinder national consolidation efforts.

"It must be our common record, lest the democratization that we hope will actually have obstacles to our efforts to encourage national consolidation and lead to a better direction," said Maman after attending a limited meeting at the Presidential Palace, Bogor, West Java, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, January 3.

Maman, who is also the Minister of MSMEs, emphasized that democracy is only a tool to achieve national goals, not the main goal of the state. Therefore, Maman reminded that the discussion of derivative rules from the Constitutional Court's decision can be carried out carefully by political parties in the DPR.

"Of course this is a political mechanism for parties to discuss further. Do not let individual figures appear who just want to seek popularity in building narratives that are not objective and tend to be counterproductive to the big agenda of our country, towards people's welfare," he said.

When asked whether this decision was detrimental to Golkar as a big party because there would be more presidential candidates, Maman considered it not a matter of profit and loss.

However, Maman reminded that the democratic space should not be misused by individuals who only want to seek popularity by building counterproductive narratives.

"We must maintain political stability in the next five years. Do not let any candidates appear only for personal interests and popularity, while the big agenda of the country for the welfare of the people is neglected," he said.

Regarding the potential tightening of presidential candidacy requirements, Maman emphasized that it would become the domain of a political party. He hopes that the parties can maintain democratic principles well without opening up space that is too free and without limits.

"We must maintain democratization, but it cannot be opened too widely and is too free. There must be a balance so that national consolidation is maintained," he said.