National Police Chief: 2,341 Police Violate Discipline, Lower Police Dignity

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo admitted that there were still many members who committed violations. It was recorded that 2,341 personnel committed disciplinary violations.

"As a result of the supervision carried out throughout 2024, there were 2,341 personnel who committed disciplinary violations," said Sigit when explaining the achievements of the Police at the Year-End Release (RAT) which was held at the National Police Headquarters, Tuesday, December 31.

However, it was not clearly explained the form of disciplinary violations committed by thousands of members.

But Sigit said this caused a decline in the dignity and image of the Police.

"Disciplinary violations by lowering the dignity as the most disciplinary violations," he said.

In addition, 1,827 violations of the Police Professional Code of Ethics (KEPP) were also conveyed. However, the sanctions given to the violators were not explained in detail.

"Violations of personality ethics are the most violations of KEPP," said Sigit.

With the many violations committed by its members and the National Police not meeting the wishes of the entire community, Sigit as the leader of the Bhayangkara Corps apologized.

"Finally, we convey that there are no ivory that is not cracked. Of course, the various achievements of the National Police's performance throughout 2024 are still far from perfect," said Sigit.

"On behalf of the leadership of the National Police and the entire extended family of the National Police, from the bottom of our hearts we apologize, if there is still the implementation of Polri's duties that have not met the expectations of the community," he continued.

Performance evaluations will be carried out regularly. In addition, all parties were also asked to participate in supervising the performance of the Police.

Thus, crimes can be eradicated and a sense of justice can be felt by all levels of Indonesian society.