Overturned Road Sweeper Truck After Collision Of Separator In Plumpang, Jakut
JAKARTA - A road sweep truck belonging to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Service with plate number B-91155-POR, rolled over on Plumpang Semper Semper Street, Koja, North Jakarta, Tuesday morning, December 31.
One of the residents, Habil (31) said that the truck that morning wanted to return home from the direction of Yos Sudarso, Tanjung Priok to Semper, Koja, North Jakarta.
Arriving at the scene of the incident, the driver of the road sweep truck hit the seperator (limitor) of the road until it finally rolled over.
"The truck from that direction wants to go to Plumpang. Maybe he made the wrong lane, pushed back again. This truck wants to enter here kagok, swerved and hit the road divider until it rolled over," said Habil, Tuesday, December 31.
The victim was trapped in the truck. Luckily, the victim was still able to get out through the truck cabin until finally being successfully evacuated by officers.
Dalam proses evakuasi ini melibatkan Dinas Perhubungan (Dishub) Jakarta Utara hingga petugas Damkar Jakarta Utara, guna membantu bersihkan jalan dan membamatkan korban.
"I was trapped. But (the victim) Allhamdulillah the driver is fine," he said.
Currently, vehicles are temporarily evacuated to the North Jakarta Transportation Service.