Bali Candidasa Beach Polluted With Oil Spill, Buru-buru Check Out Tourists
The oil spill in the coastal area of Candidasa Beach, in Karangasem Regency, Bali, has made tourists staying at a number of hotels in the Candidasa Beach check-out area early.
Chairman of the Indonesian Restaurant Hotel Association (PHRI) Karangasem Regency, Bali, I Wayan Kariasa said the oil spill was discovered on Saturday, December 28.
"Yes, three days ago there was quite a lot of spill. We don't know where the source came from, which is clear on the beach, there is a lot of black oil," he said, Monday, December 30.
"Continue to smell pungent. So, especially the inns that are on the beach with the smell of oil that is so strong that some tourists check-out earlier than the schedule, they stay because they are not strong with the smell," he added.
The oil spill pollutes almost 2 kilometers along Candidasa Beach. This incident is said to occur almost every year. Candidasa waters are often passed by ships.