Observer Of Hasto's Value Dare To Fight KPK Because It Was Once Part Of The Ruler

JAKARTA A criminal law expert, Chairul Huda, considers that the steps taken by the Secretary General of the PDI-P, Hasto Kristiyanto, to fight back after being named a suspect in the bribery case of Harun Masiku by the KPK as a natural thing.

According to him, the maneuver carried out by Hasto by claiming to have US cards of officials who committed corruption could be true because Hasto had played politics through the 7th KPK and the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) also came from the PDI-P.

"Naturally, because Hasto is also a political player who became part of the last regime, who used the KPK for his political interests. So that when he is now a suspect, of course he knows the information of officials," said Huda, Sunday, December 29, 2024.

However, regardless of whether Hasto's claim is true or not, the KPK is asked not to be afraid considering that this case is the right momentum for the anti-corruption agency to prove that Hasto's determination as a suspect is purely part of law enforcement.

"This should be an opportunity for the KPK or other law enforcers to dismantle the past rot, so that it doesn't happen again in the future," said Huda.

As is known, the KPK has named the Secretary General of the PDI-P, Hasto Kristiyanto, as a suspect in the bribery case of PAW Harun Masiku.

Hasto is suspected of being a bribe donor worth Rp600 million to former KPU Commissioner Wahyu Setiawan to pass Harun Masiku as a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives for the 2019-2024 period.

In addition, Hasto allegedly ordered Harun to submerge his cellphone into the water to eliminate traces of the January 2020 hand arrest operation (OTT). He is also said to have silenced a number of witnesses so as not to provide true information to investigators.