There Are 60 Companies That Will Do Layoffs, Here's The Cause!
JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Manpower (Wamenaker) Immanuel Ebenezer revealed that until the end of November there were at least 60 companies that had announced that they would terminate employment (PHK).
"Yesterday I discussed, there were around 60 companies that would lay off layoffs. This is terrible," Noel told the media crew at the Ministry of Manpower Building, Monday, December 23.
Noel added that until December 2024, it was recorded that layoffs had occurred to more than 80,000 workers.
"There are around 80 thousand," added Noel.
Noel said, one of the culprits of the high layoffs was the Minister of Trade Regulation (Permendag) Number 8 of 2024 concerning Import Policy and Regulation, based on reports received through workers and employers.
For this reason, on the same occasion, Noel asked the relevant Ministries/Institutions (K/L) to review the regulation.
"Hopefully what I say can be heard by the Institution/Ministry that issued the Ministerial Regulation," continued Noel.
Of the 60 companies, one of the companies affected was PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk (Sritex), which lay off 2,500 workers.