Badung Bali Clandestine Lab Boss Roman Nazarenko Threatened With Death Penalty
TANGERANG - A Ukrainian citizen (WN), Roman Nazareenko (RN) who is involved in a secret narcotics laboratory (clandestine lab) case based in Badung Regency, Bali, is threatened with multiple articles with the death penalty or life imprisonment.
Dirtipid Narkoba Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Mukti Juharsa said, in the application of this multi-layered sentence, including Article 114 Paragraph 2 Subsidiary Article 113 Paragraph 2 and Subsidiary Article 112 Paragraph 2 Junto Article 132 Paragraph 2 RI Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning Narcotics.
"And the threat of punishment is death or life imprisonment or a fine of 10 billion," he said in Tangerang, Antara, Sunday, December 22.
Apart from being accused of articles on narcotics, Roman Nazarenko will also be subject to money laundering (TPPU). This was done based on the evidence found in the contents, namely as a financier and dealer of the case.
"What is called a dealer, we will impose a crime of money laundering/TPPU," he said.
Mukti said that the suspect who was previously included in the search for people (DPO) was a person who had a strategic role. Where he said, he was the one who prepared the basement or lab area, the financier and at the same time the controller of the two drug couriers who had now been handled by his party.
"He is the owner of the goods, he is also the one who made the basement in the villa, Bali and the controller of the courier, which we have arrested at this time," he explained.
He explained, after being on the run for seven months, the Directorate of Drug Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit together with Immigration Thailand finally managed to arrest the perpetrators at U-Tapao Rayong Airport, Bangkok, Thailand when they were about to fly to Dubai on Thursday (19/12).
"Roman Nazarenko during his escape is known to have been in Bangkok, Thailand for three and a half months," he said.
He added, as a support for the process of disclosing the clinical lab case, the National Police will carry out further handling and investigation of the suspect Roman Nazarenko.
"Now we will take it to Bareskrim for further investigation," he said.