Strengthen Synergy, Jakpro Holds Friendship Badminton Tournament 2024

JAKARTA - The 2024 JOE Championship Friendship Badminton Tournament was successfully held by Jakarta Oses Energi (JOE), a subsidiary of Jakpro. Taking place at Velodrome, Rawamangun, East Jakarta, this activity is an opportunity to strengthen synergy

So the second time it was held, the tournament that this time targeted badminton sports became an arena to strengthen synergy between Jakpro Group and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, PHE OSES, BUMD Migas, and the Thousand Islands Administrative Government.

Previously, JOE as a stakeholder held a similar event by choosing the sport of football. Said Director of Jakarta Oses Energi (JOE) Andi M. Nurdin, this agenda was held not only to establish synergy but also to exchange information.

Previously, we had held a Friendship Football Tournament at the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS), "open Andi M. Nurdin in a statement on Sunday, December 22.

"This includes interconnection between each of us and the situation of their respective offices. Because sometimes outside formal meetings, this is what is more fluid. Between BUMD and BUMN, as well as the provincial government, in this case. We hope that the purpose of this event will be closer," he said.

In addition, with the 2024 Badminton Friendship Tournament, JOE will also make a joint program in the future as a reflection of the activities that will run in 2024.

"God willing, this is a good start to the 2025 programs," he said.

Meanwhile, Director of Finance and Business Support apt Jakarta Utilities Propertindo (JUP), Edhie Kusumo Witjakso added, this Badminton tournament can increase the relationship between Jakpro Group and its subsidiaries.

"So, we want to get to know each other better between Jakpro's subsidiaries," he said.

Edhie said that this sports activity had been held several times, but the organizing committee took turns.

He hopes that the Badminton tournament, which was participated in by 126 participants, can increase cooperation with partners from Jakpro Group subsidiaries.

The 2024 JOE Championship Cup Friendship Badminton Tournament was attended by the BUMD Development Agency (BP BUMD), PHE OSES in the Thousand Islands, Jakpro, JUP, BUMD from Lampung, namely Lampung Energi Berjaya, as well as the Government and the community from the Thousand Islands Administrative District.

The activity was also attended by the Head of Infrastructure, Tourism and BP BUMD, Budi Purnama and Jakpro Business Director, I Gede Adi Adnyana.