Construction Of Jakarta Beach Embankment Delays, DKI Provincial Government Reveals Constraints

Acting Head of the Water Resources Office, Ika Agustin Ningrum, revealed a number of factors that caused the progress of the construction of the coastal embankment in the National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD) project to delay from the initial target.

Previously, the 39-kilometer coastal embankment was targeted to be completed in 2028. Now, the target is to withdraw to 2030.

The first inhibiting factor is the obstacles in the procurement of goods and services related to development projects. Second, the government takes longer to adjust the design of the embankment construction as well as accommodate the needs of fishermen in tightening their ships.

"We still have to coordinate its relationship with fishermen on the coast. So, we hope that infrastructure development will continue to accommodate the needs of fishermen on the coast," said Ika at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Tuesday, December 17.

The DKI Provincial Government, continued Ika, must be able to ensure that the mooring of ships in the embankment area does not block the shipping flow. In addition, there needs to be coordination with fishermen regarding the provision of fishing storage areas.

"So we need time to coordinate it all, so the target is to back down a bit until 2030," said Ika.

The coastal embankment project was built with the division of tasks between the central government and the DKI Provincial Government. The central government through the Ministry of Public Works has built a 14.7 kilometer embankment, while the DKI Provincial Government is 8.2 kilometers long.

There are still 16 kilometers of embankments that have not been built, with details of 3.3 kilometers by the Ministry of Public Works and 12.8 kilometers by the DKI Provincial Government. Ika said the construction was continuing for 4 kilometers.

"Regarding the 4 kilometers currently being worked on by the SDA service, the first was at Mutiara Beach, then atTENmas, and at Blencong. Because the tidal wave, the casting was a little hampered. At least we tried to finish February or March," he explained.

Ika admitted that the construction of the coastal embankment has not yet been completed, which is one of the factors that Jakarta continues to be hit by coastal flooding or tidal flooding every time high tide. For this reason, the DKI Provincial Government has also built a mitigation embankment so that the impact of tidal flooding can be suppressed.

"So later in the first quarter of 2025, we are currently auctioning for acceleration in the Muara Angke area, then in the Mutiara Beach area we will continue, and then in the Blencong area," explained Ika.

"The link with the Ancol River and the Matadinata RE, mitigation will also be carried out, mitigation embankments, so we will close the leak soon. Including the Muara Baru area, it will be carried out in 2025," he added.