Prior To The Handover Of Positions, 5 KPK Leaders Undergo The Induction Process
"This induce introduces values, including ethics to new employees or new leaders who will join the KPK," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardika when confirmed in Jakarta, Tuesday, December 17.
Tessa also said the induction process would be a moment for the current KPK leadership to convey what PR should be completed by the next leadership.
He further assessed that the induction process was important because every individual who served in the KPK had to uphold integrity standards that were quite high.
"Because the KPK also has quite high integrity standards and things will also be conveyed, including the code of ethics, disciplinary matters and other things, of course, this will be conveyed to new employees and new leaders who will serve in the future," he said.
He also added that the schedule for handing over the position of KPK leadership on December 20, 2024, even though five KPK leaders for the 2024 period, 2029, had been sworn in on Monday (16/12).
The certificate will be carried out on December 20, 2024 based on the Decree of the Deputy for Apparatus Administration of the Ministry of State Secretariat. Until the certificate is implemented, said Tessa, the KPK leadership is currently still held by the KPK leadership for the 2019-2024 period.
For information, Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto inaugurated the KPK leadership and Supervisory Board (Dewas) for the period 2024'2029 at the State Palace, Jakarta, Monday.
Pelantikan tersebut berdasarkan Keputusan Presiden RI Nomor 161P Tahun 2024 Tahun 2024 tentang Pemberhentian dengan Hormat dan Pengangkatan Pimpinan dan Dewan Pengawas KPK 2024—2029.
Meanwhile, the members of the KPK Supervisory Board who were inaugurated were Wisnu Baroto, Benny Jozua Mamoto, Gusrizal, Sumpeno, and Chisca Mirawati.