Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin Performs A Trial To Launch The NS-15 Rocket

JAKARTA - Among a number of rocket airlines that want to take humans into space, one of them is Blue Origin. Jeff Bezos' rocket company plans to launch its NS-15 rocket today, Wednesday, April 14.

Blue Origin is a rocket company that has been a competitor to SpaceX. Blue Origin also comes with a New Shepherd rocket design that is reusable.

The launch of the NS-15 itself will take place at Launch Site One located in West Texas. Blue Origin said the launch was based on the success of a phased mission in the flight program.

Before entering the NS-15, astronauts and flight vehicles will be verified first. Last week, astronauts trained for a human flight into space.

In this mission, the astronauts will climb the launch tower, then enter their respective seats. They will also wear seat belts, checking the communication system from their seats through a capsule communicator named CAPCOM.

Once everything is ready then the astronauts will exit the capsule before the rocket launch test. Once it's out, the astronauts will re-enter the capsule to practice opening the hatch sequence and then returning to the landing site.

In this flight test, the rocket did not carry astronauts but carried only a Skywalker mannequin along with 25 thousand postcards. In addition, Blue Origin continues to implement health protocols, where crews must maintain social distance to avoid the spread of COVID-19.