Baznas Strengthens Reaching By Improved Social And Disaster Response Programs In 2025

JAKARTA - The National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) of the Republic of Indonesia stated that it would strengthen its reach in order to improve social programs and handling of natural disasters such as the Baznas Disaster Response (BTB) in 2025 as a tangible manifestation of taking sides with vulnerable communities.

"BTB remains our priority program next year, because the public really trusts Baznas' speed and response in providing assistance," said Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian National Baznas Mokhamad Mahdum in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Sunday, December 15.

In order to strengthen public awareness of disaster risk, Mahdum said that his party is also intensifying disaster education, one of which is through training and the establishment of 14 Kampung and Madrasah Aman Disaster Response throughout Indonesia.

The program, according to him, is expected to increase the readiness of the community in disaster-prone areas as well as expand the benefits of zakat to reach a wider mustahik.

"We hope that Baznas in the regions will also be more active so that its existence is truly felt by the community," he said.

Mahdum also highlighted the importance of other social programs, such as providing livable houses and scholarships, as an effort to prevent wider social impacts due to poverty.

He considered that one of the issues of concern was the bad risk of uninhabitable housing conditions. Therefore, he also asked the public to be more sensitive to the conditions of the surrounding environment.

"Pay attention to neighbors right and back and forth. If anyone leaks their house, the space is narrow, or needs other assistance, inform Baznas. This is their right, and our responsibility is through zakat," said Mokhamad Mahdum.