Bappenas: State Financial Leaks Occur In All Layers

JAKARTA - Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (PPN/Bappenas) Rachmat Pambudy stated that state financial leaks occurred in all layers and fields.

The leak can be from various sides. Leaks from receipts, leaks from expenses, and leaks from inefficiency, and this occurs in all layers and also occur in all fields," he said at the Whistle Blowing System (WBS) 2.0 launch event in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Friday, December 13.

First, the leak of money due to state revenues has not been optimal considering that Indonesia's tax ratio to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is still around 10 percent, far below countries such as Malaysia and Thailand, which are already above 15 percent.

Next is the leakage of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) above 30 percent which has been going on for 30 years. The main source of the state budget leak is corruption involving entrepreneurs, bureaucracy, legislature, and law enforcers.

"Based on Transparency International data, the Corruption Corruption Corruption Index in 2023 is still 34 out of 100 and this is ranked 115 out of 180 countries. So corruption indicators, the corruption perception index is in line with our achievements in many ways," said Rachmat.

Then, the potential loss to the state also comes from illegal mining which is estimated to reach IDR 105 trillion per year.

Online gambling is also said to provide economic losses of up to IDR 900 trillion in 2024.

Leaks are still added other leaks due to inappropriate spending. Starting from state spending to household spending, household shopping to individual spending, and individual spending occurs in things that should have been prohibited, there is drug spending. So, now drug spending has become part of the leak that must be part of the leak that has become an inseparable part, which we should overcome," said the Head of Bappenas.