10 Poor Families Get A Chance To Stay At Padang Mayor's House

PADANG - As many as 10 poor families in Padang city get the opportunity to stay at the office house of the Mayor of Padang. They can also break the fast and sahoor with Mayor Hendri Septa.

"There are 10 families who have been chosen to stay overnight at the Padang Mayor's Office House as the implementation of the Overnight program in Palanta that replaces the Singgah Sahur program," said The Head of Padang City Social Service, Afriadi, in Padang as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, April 13.

The 10 families will stay alternately at the Padang Mayor's office on A. Yani Street, Padang.

"This program is fairly new, if in the previous program the Mayor who visited the family home could not afford, this time the family could not afford to stay at the Mayor's Office House," he said.

The 10 selected families are the proposals of the entire sub-district. Then the Social Service, Baznas, and the Government Department conducted a survey to the house in question along with Social Welfare Workers, Village Guidance Officers (Babinsa), Community Police Officer (Babinkamtibmas), and other elements.

"After being surveyed, as many as 15 families in 10 subdistricts were included in our shot. But finally after being disarmed, become 10 families only," he said.

There are a number of criteria in determining the poor families who will spend the night in the Mayor's Office House. Among them are poor families, do not have their own homes, or have their own land and do not have problems because the house will be built on the land.

"If the land has a certificate, it will certainly make it easier for us to build a house on it. At the very least, the family has a certificate of ownership or information from the parents," he said.

Currently, Padang City Government has selected 10 families from 15 families proposed for home surgery. The family names are already on the desk of the Mayor of Padang.

In the Overnight Program in Palanta, the poor family will be able to break the fast, tarawih, and suhoor prayers with the family of the mayor of Padang at the Padang mayor's office, and in the morning, the mayor will review the family home for surgery.