Menkomdigi Ensures Telecommunication Networks Continue To Smooth During Nataru Holidays
JAKARTA - Minister of Communication and Digital Meutya Hafid has coordinated with all cellular operators to ensure the telecommunications network remains smooth and stable during the 2024/2025 Christmas and New Year (Nataru) holidays.
In addition, in his meeting with the Minister of Transportation Dudy Purwagandhi, Meutya also emphasized that one of the priorities is ensuring the stability and quality of the telecommunication network, especially in main transportation routes that are predicted to experience a surge in user traffic.
"Komdigi also monitors the use of radio frequency spectra, especially in areas that are predicted to become centers of crowds, so that disturbances do not occur that can hinder public travel or communication," Meutya said in an official broadcast quoted on Tuesday, December 10.
Meanwhile, Dudy also conveyed the importance of collaboration between ministries to ensure smooth transportation during the Nataru holiday.
He revealed that the transportation sector will prioritize safety, comfort, and security aspects for travelers and tourists, both those using land, sea, and air transportation modes.
Kementerian Komunikasi dan Digital juga telah menyiapkan kanal digital bagi masyarakat agar tidak kesulitan dalam mencari berbagai informasi yang dibutuhkan dalam melakukan perjalanan selama periode libur Nataru.
Available on the channel are maps and online transportation applications to the emergency contact information needed. It is hoped that this can provide convenience and convenience for the community.
"We also invite the public to be aware of hoax news that may appear ahead of Christmas and New Year which can trigger problems," Meutya urged.