A 5-year-old Boy Who Died Mysteriously In The Pasar Rebo Is Not Necessarily As A Result Of Being Raped
The East Jakarta Metro Police are still conducting a marathon investigation into the mysterious death of a 5-year-old girl in the Pasar Rebo area, East Jakarta.
Initially, the victim with the initials A was a victim of rape by her closest person. However, based on a series of investigations carried out by the East Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim regarding the case of death of victim A, the police have not been able to conclude the cause.
"We, the East Jakarta Metro Police, are still working hard with members of the Polda Metro Jaya to carry out an investigation," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Nicolas Ary Lilipaly to reporters, Monday, December 9.
Currently, the police have examined 8 witnesses regarding the death of the 5-year-old boy.
"We have examined 8 witnesses around the victim. If the victim is still underage, the main thing is (checked) people around him, we will make him a witness first," he said.
However, from the results of the examination, East Jakarta Metro Police investigators have not been able to reveal whether there is a criminal element or not for the death of victim A (5).
"The investigation has not been able to lead to any suspected suspects. We are waiting for further developments," he said.
In addition, the Kramat Jati Police Hospital has not officially submitted the results of the autopsy of the victim's body to the East Jakarta Metro Police investigators.
Until now, investigators are still waiting for these results to determine the cause of death of victim A.
Previously, it was reported that a girl with the initials A (5) who mysteriously died in the Pasar Rebo area, East Jakarta, had been buried.
However, the Kramatjati Jati Police Hospital has conducted an autopsy on the victim's body.
The Head of Yandokpol at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, Kombes Hery Wijatmoko, said that during the autopsy process, physical violence was found on the victim's body.
"Yes, physical violence. An additional examination is currently being carried out to determine the cause of death and other findings," said Kombes Hery when confirmed, Friday, December 6.
However, Kombes Hery has not detailed the location of the findings of the victim's injuries.
"Anyway, physical violence in the body. We are not allowed to say where, later it will disrupt the investigation process," he said.