Waka DPR Affirms Disaster Victim Assistance In Sukabumi Don't Be Late

JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives Cucun Ahmad Syamsurijal asked the Government to cooperate with the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) to ensure assistance to victims of natural disasters in Sukabumi Regency, West Java, can be distributed properly. During the emergency response period, all relevant stakeholders were reminded to have a quick response.
"We are saddened by the natural disaster that occurred in Sukabumi Regency yesterday. The government is collaborating with BNPB through the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) and other agencies must have a quick response to the emergency to help the community," said Cucun Ahmad Syamsurijal, Thursday, December 5.
As is known, Sukabumi Regency was hit by natural disasters in the form of floods and landslides on November 3-4, 2024. Based on BPBD West Java data, it was recorded that 114 disasters hit 29 sub-districts in Sukabumi in just 2 days.
The details are landslides 53 incidents, floods of 30 incidents and ground movement of 16 incidents. As a result of this natural disaster, a child was reported to have died and an elderly person was lost by landslides. Even the SAR Team until yesterday continued to evacuate the affected residents, such as those trapped by floods in its settlements.
In addition to causing casualties and infrastructure damage, a series of natural disasters in Sukabumi forced 238 residents to evacuate, while another 230 people were threatened with further disasters. Cucun emphasized that the safety of residents must be a top priority.
"So it is very important to respond quickly and integratedly in handling this disaster. We hope that the joint SAR team will continue to carry out investigations to ensure that there are no more residents who are still at the disaster site," he said.
"The government is also obliged to meet the basic needs of the community, starting from access to electricity, food, clean water, to temporary shelters for affected residents," added Cucun.
Cucun understands that the series of disasters caused Sukabumi to be paralyzed in many locations.
"Even so, the Government, BPBD, and other teams on duty must be able to ensure assistance for disaster victims in Sukabumi should not be too late," said the legislator from the West Java II electoral district.
Cucun asked the Government and BPBD to optimize coordination with local governments, TNI, Polri, and various elements of society to accelerate distribution for residents. This includes recovery in affected areas.
"BNPB-BPBD must be at the forefront of disaster management. The quick response team sent must consist of experts in the fields of SAR, logistics, health, and security to help the community," said Cucun.
"Distribute logistical assistance immediately, especially urgent needs such as food, clean water, blankets, and medicines. Special needs for children and the elderly and pregnant/admitting mothers must also be available," he added.
Cucun added that the construction of emergency infrastructure such as public kitchens, temporary shelters, and access to emergency communication must be carried out optimally. He also reminded the importance of restoring electricity networks and access to clean water to ensure basic community services continue to run.
"We urge BNPB to ensure that every step in disaster management is carried out in a measured and integrated manner, so that the affected communities can immediately benefit from the presence of the state," explained Cucun.
The chairman of the DPR, the coordinator of the people's welfare sector (Kesra), added that the disaster response holding posts that have been established at the Palabuhanratu Hall and Mako Dandim 0622 Sukabumi must be integrated with the national BNPB system. Cucun said this to ensure that the latest data and information regarding the impact of disasters is available accurately.
"All elements must be able to synergize well. Avoid sectoral egos, and make sure that the interests of the community are the most important," he said.
Natural disasters in Sukabumi caused quite severe infrastructure damage. BPBD reported 85 houses suffered minor damage, 12 houses were moderately damaged, and one house was heavily damaged. There was even a car that was dragged by the overflowing flash flood of the Cikaso River, and the access to the Ciletuh Geopark belt route was cut off due to the almost collapse of several bridges.
In addition, as many as 395 houses were flooded, and 97 other houses were still threatened. Damage also extends to public facilities, with 34 hectares of rice fields also affected.
After the emergency response period, the Government must immediately carry out rehabilitation as a post-disaster step. Data collection is carried out from now on accurately so that when the critical period has passed, rehabilitation can be carried out immediately," said Cucun.
Cucun also emphasized the importance of relocating residents living in landslide-prone lanes, including the need for further mapping of residents' settlements on land movement routes because they are very dangerous.
"This condition illustrates the need for top priority on people's welfare in every disaster mitigation policy. To avoid casualties, we must increase disaster mitigation, especially in vulnerable areas such as Sukabumi, to reduce future risks," he said.
Cucun also emphasized the importance of providing training and education services for the community on how to deal with disasters.
"With fast and integrated handling, we hope that the lives of the Sukabumi people will recover soon, and the impact of disasters can be significantly minimized," concluded Cucun.