Komnas HAM: Police Shoot Students In Semarang Filling Out Elements Of Human Rights Violations

JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) stated that Aipda RZ police who shot GRO, a student at SMK Negeri 4 Semarang, Central Java, to death fulfilled elements of human rights violations.

"Brother RZ's actions have fulfilled the elements of human rights violations based on Article 1 point (3) of Law on Rights Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights," said Coordinator of Sub-Commission for Monitoring of Uli Parulian Sihombing as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, December 5.

Uli explained that the type of human rights violation committed by RZ was a violation of the right to life, as regulated in Article 9 paragraph (1) of the Human Rights Law. This is because the shooting carried out by RZ resulted in the death of the GRO resulting in the loss of a person's right to life.

In addition, Komnas HAM stated that RZ committed murder outside the legal process (extra judicial killing). According to Komnas, the shooting by RZ which resulted in one person dying and two others being injured was not in the context of self-defense.

"Brother RZ is not carrying out his duties and is not in a position that is threatened by the passing of the motorbike driven by the three victims. Brother RZ is not carrying out a law order to shoot the three victims," said Uli.

In addition, RZ is declared to have violated a person's right to be free from cruel, inhumane, and degrading human dignity as regulated in Article 33 paragraph (1) of the Human Rights Law.

The shooting of RZ was deemed to have violated the provisions of Article 3 of the National Police Chief Regulation Number 1 of 2009 concerning the Use of Strength in Police Actions, namely legality, necessity, proportionality, general obligations, prevention, and reasonable.

Komnas HAM also considers that RZ violates the right to child protection as regulated in Article 52 paragraph (1) of the Human Rights Law. This is because the three victims, namely GRO, S, and A are still under 18 years old and have the status of children.

"Brother RZ as a state apparatus, a member of the National Police, should not have shot the children and the police were prohibited from using firearms when dealing with children," added Uli.

Komnas HAM's statement was the result of monitoring carried out from November 28'30, 2024 in Semaran City.

Dalam pemantauan, Komnas HAM telah meminta keterangan Polda Jawa Tengah, Polrestabes Semarang, Bidpropam Polda Jawa Tengah, keterangan keluarga korban dan para saksi, keterangan medis dan digital forensik, serta meninjau langsung tempat kejadian penembakan.

The shooting took place around the Simongan area, West Semarang, early Sunday (24/11). GRO, the victim of death, was buried by his family in Sragen, Sunday (24/11) afternoon.

Meanwhile, the shooter, RZ, has been detained, but has not yet been named a suspect. On the other hand, the Central Java Police ensured that the ethics trial for RZ would be held as soon as possible.