Ministry Of Industry Encourages Industry Players To Take Advantage Of Tax Deduction For AI Business

The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) continues to encourage industry players to take advantage of artificial intelligence (AI) technology to increase productivity and innovation in business.

Deputy Minister of Industry (Wamenperin) Faisol Riza said the government had provided fiscal or non-fiscal facilities for AI development, such as tax deduction.

This facility is provided to encourage industry players to take advantage of AI. It is known, tax deduction is a direct tax reduction from taxable entrepreneurs (PKP) or taxable income.

"From the government side, there are several policies that can encourage industry players to take advantage of Al, including through providing fiscal or non-fiscal facilities. Industry players can optimize the use of tax deduction incentives," said Faisol in a written statement, quoted Thursday, December 5.

Faisol said, a number of examples of AI usage that have been adopted by the industry in Indonesia, include the operational excellence of energy management.

"In this process, cement companies have implemented artificial intelligence (AI) and IoT technology based on productivity, stability and increased energy index (fuel and electricity) in the cement production process," he said.

Then, the use of AI to reduce marketing time. This process has been used by pharmaceutical companies using digital twin technology in a dry lab to accelerate the development of methods in R&D.

In production, the adaptive process with micro-NIR sensors is used as a process analysis technology in the analysis of raw materials, product between and finished products.

"In the microbial control process, digital imaging technology is used to accelerate the testing of microbial contamination," he said.

In addition, there is also the use of AI Ergonomic which has been implemented in various industrial sectors.

The positive impact is easier and more fun work by eliminating non-ergonomic movements by using AI-based analysis.

However, according to Faisol, there are several challenges faced by the industry in adopting AI, including limited technology infrastructure, lack of digital talent, high implementation costs, especially for the IKM sector and related to data security.

"From these various challenges, we must not give up because AI technology will bring a leap of progress for our industry and the economy. We need to believe that the use of AI technology will bring great opportunities," he said.