Commission I Affirms The DPR'swas Team To Ensure Indonesian Intelligence Institutions Work Well And Coordinate Each Other

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission I of the House of Representatives Dave Laksono emphasized that the formation of the DPR RI Intelligence Supervisory Team was one of the efforts to maintain the country from potential detrimental threats. The team ensures that the intelligence community in Indonesia, such as the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), works well and coordinates with each other.

"The intelligence function is that data collection was combined to become an assumption that movement has the potential to pose a threat to the country," said Dave Laksono, Wednesday, December 4.

As is known, a member of the DPR Intelligence Supervisory Team was inaugurated on Tuesday (3/12) yesterday by the Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani. This team is under the coordination of Sufmi Dasco Ahmad as Deputy Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives Coordinator for Political and Security Affairs (Korpolkam).

The formation of the Intelligence Supervisory Team is a follow-up to the mandate of Law Number 17 of 2011 concerning State Intelligence. Article 43 paragraph (2) of the law states that external supervision of State Intelligence operators is carried out by commissions at the Indonesian House of Representatives which specializes in handling intelligence, in this case is Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

In total there are 13 members of the DPR Intelligence Supervisory Team, of which 5 people are leaders including Dave Laksono. All faction representatives in the DPR are members of this team.

Dave explained that every law enforcement agency and state defense institution have their own intelligence units, so there needs to be supervision from the DPR as an institution whose job is to oversee the work of the Government.

"Usually this is also to ensure that the Indonesian intelligence community works well," said the legislator from the West Java VIII electoral district.

Supervision is carried out by the DPR to ensure that institutions that have an intelligence authority function can work optimally. So that the country is safe from threats that could damage state resilience.

In addition, according to Dave, the DPR Intelligencewas Team also has the task of ensuring state intelligence agencies coordinate with each other when carrying out their functions and authorities in protecting the nation from all threats. Thus, intelligence data results are obtained accurately.

"And (so that the intelligence community) communicates with each other to ensure accurate information is received by the highest leadership in making decisions relating to the Indonesian people," explained Dave.

Furthermore, Dave said that the formation of the DPR Intelligencewas Team was also an important momentum in strengthening parliamentary supervision of state intelligence institutions, in order to create better synergies among Indonesian intelligence institutions.

"This team has a crucial role to play in ensuring the synergy between all ministries and institutions," he said.

"With effective supervision, things that need to be anticipated or mitigated by the DPR can be carried out properly and correctly," added Dave.

In accordance with Law Number 17 of 2011, the main task of state intelligence includes detecting, identifying, assessing, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting intelligence to provide early warnings.

In the context of the growing global and regional dynamics, synergy among state intelligence institutions is the key to dealing with various threats, both from within and outside the country.

Through this Intelligence Supervisory Team, Dave hopes that the legislative control function of the Government in the field of intelligence can be further strengthened.

"It is hoped that all intelligence agencies can make a maximum contribution in order to maintain the integrity and sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI)," he said.

Previously, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, inaugurated the Intelligence Supervisory Team formed by the DPR. This team is a representation of the people in supervising the performance of state intelligence institutions so as not to deviate from their main duties and work functions.

"Later on, the task can be to synergize between all ministries/agencies, so that things that we need to anticipate or mitigate can be carried out properly and correctly," said Puan after inaugurating the DPR Intelligence Supervisory Team.

Puan hopes that the DPR Intelligence Supervisory Team can synergize with institutions or agencies related to intelligence as well as possible, including the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), the TNI Strategic Intelligence Agency (BAIS), to the National Police Intelligence and Security Agency (Baintelkam).

"What is certain is that there must be synergy and coordination among all related parties so that we can build the nation and state without any misunderstanding," said the first woman who served as Chair of the DPR RI.