New Round Of BLBI, Government Will Pursue Assets Through Task Force

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has officially stopped the investigation into the corruption case of the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Certificate (SKL). However, this case entered a new chapter after the establishment of a Task Force handling the Right to Collect Liquidity Assistance Funds of Bank Indonesia (BLBI) through Presidential Decree No. 6 of 2021.

Coordinating Minister for Legal Politics and Security Mahfud MD, in his video caption, ensured that the task force will run transparently. They will also convey the results of their performance as a form of fulfillment of people's rights.

"It must be transparent because it is people's right to know. Later there will be summoning and the money will be announced, how much can be immediately executed. We will be transparent to the community," Mahfud said on Monday, April 12.

He then explained that the money to be collected in this case amounted to around Rp. 109 trillion. "It's in the form of a building certificate but the goods may not be in accordance with the certificate," he said.

"There is a new affidavit but the transfer document has not been submitted to the state, has not been signed even though it has been called because there are still criminal allegations and so on," added the former Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK).

Mahfud MD said the value of the building could have risen since it became a state guarantee. Thus, this will lead to an interpretation of whether the goods become collateral for the completion of credit or the asset is controlled by the state.

In the future, his team will seek certainty in advance regarding the asset. "Well, those kinds of things have to be clear in their legal positions," he said.

Mahfud called the case of SKL BLBI is waste or relics from the past. Because this incident took place in 1998 where the situation of monetary crisis occurred in the country.

"Where the bank should be saved, well, after the bank was saved and then given the funds in 2004 it had to be resolved and that's where the person who got the certificate was paid off," he said.

"So it's been a long time, we're just in charge of continuing not being here to protect people, cornering people, nothing," he added.

No KPK in the task force

Regarding the absence of the Corruption Eradication Commission into this task force, Mahfud also spoke up after a time of polishing in the community. He said the government did not cover the anti-corruption commission because it was considered inappropriate.

"If it is, KPK is included inappropriately. First, it's because the KPK is a criminal law enforcement agency," he said.

The second reason, although KPK entered into the institution of the executive clump but it is not from the government. He exemplified, the position of the KPK is the same as the National Commission of Human Rights (Komnas HAM) outside the government.

Therefore, the government prefers not to involve the KPK in order to prevent the existence of inappropriate assumptions in the community. "KPK, if it enters our team will be mistaken for a steering wheel, co-opted, and so on," he said.

"Let him work. If there is corruption from this case, he can come, he can still be supervised," he added.

Although it does not involve the KPK, the former Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) has been coordinating the establishment of the BLBI Bill of Rights Handling Task Force. Because the anti-corruption commission is considered to have complementary data on this case.

"I have coordinated with KPK. I need complementary data from KPK because of course KPK has other data outside of civil law that can be billed and combined into civil because the criminal has been traced. On Tuesday tomorrow I will go to KPK," he said.

Looking again at the contents of the Presidential Decree of the BLBI Bill of Rights Task Force

In the Presidential Decree set on April 6, the task force aims to handle, resolve, and restore state rights derived from BLBI funds effectively and efficiently, in the form of legal efforts and/or other efforts at home or abroad, both against debtors, obligors, owners of companies and their heirs and other parties who cooperate with it and recommend policy treatment of BLBI funds handling.

The task force consists of directors and executives.

The director has duties:

a. Develop strategic policies in order to accelerate the handling and restoration of state bill rights and BLBI assets;

b. Integrating and establishing the necessary strategic and breakthrough policy implementation measures in order to accelerate the handling and restoration of BLBI State Bill Right and asset;

c. Provide direction to the Implementer in implementing the acceleration of the handling and recovery of state bill rights and BLBI assets;

d. Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of accelerated handling and restoration of state bill rights and BLBI assets

While the executor has the task:

a. Inventory and mapping of state bill rights and property assets BLBI;

b. Implementing strategic policies, handling measures and breakthroughs necessary in the framework of handling and restoring state collectible rights and property assets BLBI;

c. In the event that it is necessary to address problems that require breakthroughs in the framework of resolving the handling and restoration of state collection rights and property assets BLBI, submit new policy-making recommendations to the Director;

d. Make effective and efficient legal efforts and/or other efforts for the settlement, handling, and restoration of state and property assets of BLBI

e. Improving policy-making synergy between ministries/institutions; and

f. Coordinating and taking law enforcement measures in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations.

The Director consists of:

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs;

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs;

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment;

Minister of Finance;

Minister of Law and Human Rights;

Attorney General; and

The Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia.

Implementor consists of:

Task Force Chairman: Director-General of State Wealth of the Ministry of Finance

Task Force Vice Chairman: Young Attorney General of Civil and State Administration Attorney General

Secretary: Deputy for Coordination of Law and Human Rights of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs


Director-General of General Legal Administration of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights;

Deputy Of Land Determination and Registration of the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Affairs/National Land Agency;

Secretary-General of the Ministry of Finance;

Director-General of Taxation Ministry of Finance;

Deputy Of Investigation of The Financial And Development Supervisory Agency;

Deputy for Security Intelligence Apparatus of the State Intelligence Agency; and

Deputy Eradication Center for Reporting and Analysis of Financial Transactions.

"The Chairman of the Task Force reports the progress of the implementation of his duties to the director in accordance with the needs and to the President through the Minister of Finance as a director at least 1 time every 6 months or at any time if necessary," as stated in the beleid.