10 Houses In North Singkawang, West Kalimantan Flooded, BPBD Coordinates To The Village Head
JAKARTA - A total of 10 houses in Semelagi Kecil, North Singkawang District, Singkawang City, West Kalimantan (Kalbar) were flooded on Monday 2 December.
Head of the Singkawang Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Nana Priyana said the flooding that occurred was due to the high intensity of rainfall on Sunday, December 1 night.
"This causes puddles from the east, which have a higher position, to flow north," he said, confiscated by Antara.
Based on today's monitoring, he continued, the water level is about 15 centimeters, while there are two houses with flood depths reaching about 30 centimeters.
"BPBD Singkawang immediately coordinated with the Lurah Semelagi and the Head of RT 10 to conduct a survey of the flood location," he said.
According to him, the current flood is still not dangerous because it can still be handled by residents. However, BPBD Singkawang is still waiting for news from the RT/Lurah if evacuation is needed.
Selain itu, BPBD Singkawang juga telah melakukan persiapan apabila banjir semakin tinggi di kecamatan tersebut. Seperti menyiapkan Shelter Utara di Kantor Camat Singkawang Utara, Shelter Timur di Kantor Camat Singkawang Timur serta Shelter Barat, Tengah dan Selatan.
He appealed to the people of Singkawang to be vigilant considering that now it has entered the rainy season.
"Parents are advised to always be vigilant and supervise their children when playing. As well as stay away from electricity networks to avoid unwanted things," he said.
If the flood gets higher and it must be evacuated, immediately contact the Singkawang BPBD or the local RT.