7 Ways To Tighten The Lower Stomach

YOGYAKARTA Fat accumulates the lower part of the stomach, reducing confidence. In addition, excess fat piles will certainly affect health. A number of nutrition and fitness experts suggest the following ways to tighten the lower abdomen that is moisturizing.

PR nutritionist and personal trainer Stephanie Rofkahr recommends training muscles. But you have to get 80 percent nutrition, then exercise by 20 percent will get maximum results. Nutrients on a diet are recommended from whole foods that contain protein, healthy fat, and micro nutritional substances. It is important to understand, reduce calorie intake gradually so that stable weight will be successful in the long term.

In addition to holding the rules regarding nutrition and exercise, hold the reference for eating healthy foods. Fill in groceries 80 percent of whole and fresh foods and 20 percent can be crackers, cakes, or processed frozen foods. His advice again, cooking at home is more likely to make healthy intake under control. So it's better to cook your own food at home instead of eating at a restaurant.

One way to tighten the lower abdomen that is moisturizing, is to do high-intensity interval exercises (HIIT/high-intensity interval training). But keep in mind that high-intensity exercise is a relative term and will be different from person to person. The key, create an interval for yourself so that you can increase your heart rate several times during 30 to 40 minutes of practice. HIIT exercises can mean practice intervals to run fast, practice slow road intervals to fast walks, or other forms of exercise you like.

The body is connected to each other, so that the exercise only targets the lower abdomen which is covered, it will not be possible. So you can practice targeting cores or muscles of the body. In addition to doing training for cores, padukan also with regular cardio to burn fat.

Moving your body every day is also important. So make sure you move in a certain way, shape, or target every day. Keep in mind, exercise is not always done in a fitness center or gym. Exercise or movement can be anything, for example walking.

If you have difficulty eliminating lower belly fat, perhaps hormonal imbalance plays a role, explains Maritza Worthington, a functional nutritionist who specializes in digestive and hormone health. Launching Byrdie, Monday, December 2, the two main causes behind lipin fat are related to excess cortisol or estrogen dominance.

Usually the problem of hormonal imbalance does not occur overnight. This problem results from the accumulation of insulin resistance, malnutrition, lack of exercise, and a stressful lifestyle. Alissa Tucker, a certified trainer, gives advice. If you've been exercising regularly and eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle but bubbled belly fats still don't tighten, it's important to check body hormone levels. Added Tucker, too many cortisols can be caused by adrenal fatigue and can cause additional weight and bloating around the lower abdomen.

Excess fat in the stomach can be caused by blood sugar imbalances, said Lauryn Mohr, a bionutrient who is specialized in functional treatment. Even though they don't have diabetes, many have a moisturized stomach. So to minimize it, keep blood sugar and prioritize eating foods that contain protein. In addition, to maintain digestive balance, you need daily fiber. Vegetables are a good source of fiber and must be the main component of your diet, even if you are not trying to get rid of belly fat.

In addition, reduce foods that can cause inflammation in the body. This ultimately contributes to reducing fat piles. So reduce foods that contain saturated fat, fatty meat, dairy products, processed foods, fast foods, and fried foods. Choose food from vegetables, fruit, nuts, fish, fatless meat, and whole grains.

Eating time can affect retention and additional belly fat because the rhythm of the body's sirkadian affects the process of digesting food. Hormones are also affected when the rhythm of the body is not good. As a result, belly fat accumulates. So, consider eating time. Avoid eating late at night. Don't miss breakfast and measure the amount of food appropriately equivalent to your daily activities. Please note, eating too much or eating too little, it can also cause weight gain.

Many people don't know that sleep also affects the mood and body ability to function optimally. In addition, lack of sleep also affects the waist circumference. If we lack sleep, the body interprets it as a threat so that it will accumulate energy sources, or fats. This is because many stress hormones are secreted. So when you wake up in a lack of time, hormones will keep us awake and hungry.

Fatigue can also interfere with fitness routines. So, the wisest thing is to arrange a sleep schedule in order to support tightening the lower abdomen that is moisturizing.