Suspected Of Having A Heart Attack, A Man Dies In A Minimarket In Bogor City
BOGOR CITY - A man who died after shopping at a minimarket on Jalan Pandu Raya, Tegal Gundil Village, North Bogor District, Friday, has been evacuated by the Bogor City Police.
North Bogor Police Chief Kompol Agus Supriyanto in Bogor City, Friday, said the man was named Deni Irawan, 54 years old, who is a resident of Tanah Baru Village.
"Reported by residents, a male resident who had spent time in a minimarket fell down and died at the crime scene," Agus said, as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, November 30.
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According to the testimony of the witness who was a minimarket employee, Agus said, before falling down and dying, the man had just filled out a digital wallet at the minimarket.
The man, said Agus, then came out of the minimarket and sat down, but suddenly fell down and died at the scene.
"It is suspected that the victim died of a heart attack," he said. After receiving the report, Agus said, the police immediately went to the scene and conducted a crime scene investigation. After searching for witness statements, the family made a statement not to do a post-mortem on the body.
"We immediately took the body to the funeral home in Tanah Baru Village, to be buried and buried," said Agus.